Gaddafi the African

New York- I appear in this week’s episode of Real Dictators produced by Bristol-based Noiser Podcasts discussing Colonel Gaddafi’s use of international terrorism as a weapon of an asymmetric foreign policy. The episode also looks into his pivot away from…

The Pariah Becomes Paramount

New York- I’m featured in this week’s episode of Noiser Podcasts‘ Real Dictators series about Gaddafi’s escalating feud with the United States and to a lesser extent the United Kingdom in the 1980s. The north African strongman had famously, if…

The Little Green Book

New York- I make an appearance in this week’s episode of Real Dictators by Noiser Podcasts talking about the early years of Gaddafi’s rule as the post-monarchical Libyan petro-state begins to take shape. The podcast delves into Gaddafi’s evolution from…

The Terror Decades

New York-In the past year or so I’ve spent an unprecedented amount of uninterrupted time here in these United States. Taboo to say at the time, but I departed NYC during three different lockdowns and went off on the highway…

The Roots of September

New York- I have a contribution in this week’s episode of the Real Dictators series by Noiser Podcasts. It explores Captain-cum-Colonel Gaddafi’s early years as becomes deeply influenced by the pan-Arabism that was echoing out of Cairo, Damascus, and Baghdad…